
when people leave their marks behind,
they show what they were,
how they were.

Yet, the perception is left because of the footprints they left behind,
not what their heart did.

In essence, one could have been a nice guy,
helping everyone who needed help,
trying to solve everyone’s problems,
yet in the end, his heart is plain black,
helping everyone so he could garner favours in the future,
solving problems so he will be remembered,
or just boosting his self ego.

it’s so scary, cause friends may just,
within a blink of an eye, become distant.

and such i can see, during army,
as much as ‘hey you are my buddy man’,
so much you have repeated and said so many times in camp or out of camp during the years of service,
once you are out, so where are all these buddies that you have made?

naturally, it takes effort and time to actually get back with people during our lives when we were wearing green, however, time doesn’t just stop, instead,
it just goes on and on, the time where you actually get to hang out with everyone, is really, so limited.

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